PLEASE NOTE: Only 1 box per shipment. If you would like to order more than 1 box, please place a separate order.

How it works

Up until recently, our products have only been available for purchase in person at a small number of farmers' markets in and around Philadelphia. As we continue to grow our business, we are searching for more creative ways to get our pasta into your hands. We have decided to make certain items available for shipping directly to your door. See below for more details on how to place an order with us. 

First, please sign up for our email list. When inventory is added to the website, our email subscribers are notified first.

Although optional, we strongly suggest creating a customer account in advance of your first order. This will save your address and allow you to move through checkout quickly and efficiently. Look for this icon  on the upper right hand corner of this page and follow the link to create an account.  

We are using this site to offer curated pasta packages which contain multiple items per shipment. This may consist of frozen pasta, dried pasta, or both. The description for the listing will go into greater detail as to what's included in each package. 

Orders that contain only dried pasta are available to ship nationwide via UPS Ground. Orders that contain frozen items are shipped UPS Ground to locations within a 1 to 2 day transit time of our production facility in Philadelphia. If you are outside of this range, you will not be able to move through checkout or place an order with us. We hope to expand our delivery range for frozen items in the near future. 

When your order ships you will receive an email/SMS notification along with tracking information. Orders containing only dried pasta will ship within 3 business days.